First, do not think of Abusix as evil masterminds, they are not and their interest is not you getting stuck for eternity in their blacklist. On the contrary, they often encourage everybody to resolve their issues as soon as possible and even provide you with support such as an online chat and explanations. Abusix mail intelligence refers to a service specifically created for email providers. Its work is to collect and group data drawn from different providers, and analyze threats from IPs, URLs, and domains.  Also, Abusix provides whitelisting, and considering some large email providers such as Yahoo and Google that may not be immune to spammers, Abusix ensures that thousands of legitimate senders are not blocked.

An IP commonly ends up on the Abusix blacklist after an email sent from it hits one of the spam traps, but this may not always be the case. In order to answer the question of “why am I blacklisted?” you need to establish the blacklist that you’re on. Abusix comprises four different zones of blacklists including Domain, Spam, Policy, and Exploit. If you get on one or several of these blacklists, you end up receiving a bounce email, and in it is a clickable link. The link takes you to the blacklist you’re on. 

When you’re listed on the Policy Blacklist

Policy blacklist catches spam spread through botnets and detects compromised hosts and IPs. Additionally, it lists those IP addresses supposed to use their mailbox providers or the internet service providers in relaying emails with SMTP authentication but instead connect straight to the external SMTP server. Abusix policy blacklist can be described as a preventive tool, it blacklists the potentially compromised or the hijacked IP address before spam trap hits can start coming in. When we talk about a legitimate sender, one should:

Consequently, delisting from a policy blacklist functions as a permanent exception for each IP address. Once delisted, it remains delisted until the IP rDNS record has been updated.  Additionally, the Abusix mail intelligence exploit list asks to test it again as a way of re-confirming exceptions once a year and ensuring the data is up to date.  Getting an IP out of the policy blacklist takes a couple of minutes.

If you’re listed on the Spam Blacklist

The spam blacklist is classic. In this case, the Abusix blacklist can trace the IP address responsible for sending the spam email to a specific spam trap. Note that Abusix does not use typo spam traps such as @gnail instead of @gmail or even recycled spam traps, previously owned by real people. This narrows down the reasons for blacklisting to infection/compromise or email malpractices of the sender, for example, the use of rented or bought email lists, lack of double opt-ins, or scraping email addresses. Therefore, in delisting from the Abusix spam blacklist, file a standard request, however, do not rush. Ensure you have the reason behind your spam trap hits and do your best in resolving it or you find yourself being relisted shortly.

Being Listed on Exploit Blacklist

This one is about IP behavior in which Abusix monitors IP traffic and connections to their traps or email services partnering with Abusix. If the behavior is irregular and doesn’t resemble behaviors associated with a normal SMTP client, then Abusix adds it into its exploits zone. IPs on the list are usually compromised or infected with viruses, botnets, worms, NAT addresses, and/or compromised IoT devices. Before you fill a delisting request, find and resolve the issue, ensure you’ve checked the firewall configurations, reach out to the device manufacturer and reflash it. Failure to eliminate the issue means IP will again be relisted.

Being listed on Domain Blacklist

Listing on the Abusix domain blacklist happens if the spam trap receives an email containing a link to your domain or IP in the message body. In case the email has a short link, both destination and the intermediary domains will be blacklisted. The delisting request here is different from others since Abusix asks that it contacts them through live chats on their website and not using the standard request form. You will be required to give the bounce message that you received through the chat. The domain support and name will then pick it up from there.

Abusix Mail Intelligence Delisting Details

This comprehensive information provides you with everything that you need to know and understand about Abusix mail intelligence and how you can start the delisting process.

Anonmails DNSBL blacklist

Anonmails blacklist flags IP addresses with spam messages to the Anonmail spam traps on the internet. Anonmail Blacklist is a German organization whose goal is protecting private email addresses from spam.  

How Anonmails DNSBL Blacklist Works

Anonmails blacklist blocks spam messages to ensure they do not get to innocent users. To accomplish this, the organization sets up spam traps for catching the spam mail, malware, or viruses sent. To ensure the protection is on your own device, you can add this ruleset into your local configuration file /etc/mail/spamassassin/

How to remove yourself from Anonmails Blacklist?

You can follow the following steps to remove yourself from the Anonmails blacklist

Note that blacklist organizations demand full explanations when you request removal. Further, ensure you have stated all the facts and are clear as you request for removal. Anonmails blacklist cannot remove users manually from the blacklist, they have to receive a request. Again, the organization welcomes users to reach them in case they believe the information on their database is not correct, is missing, or is outdated.

How you can reduce the risk of getting into the Anonmails blacklist

You can avoid getting listed on the blacklist by engaging in proper email practices for example:-